Supporting inclusion in Open Water Swimming

Welcome to Melbourne OWSC
An Open Water Swim Club for all abilities,
We support learners, swimmers and experienced athletes to swim in the sea.
Based in Melbourne, at Williamstown Beach
Melbourne OWSC has supported and friendly swims each week at Williamstown Beach.
Saturday 9AM - Swim around the Yellow Poles (boating markers)
Set your own pace, distance & time in water. A boardy keeps an eye on conditions (and you) so you can relax and enjoy a comfortable swim at your pace.
Meet in carpark behind Williamstown SLSC. $10 for club members, $20 for non-members. $5 of this fee goes to inclusion programs and safety equipment.
Meet at Western end of Williamstown Beach, near the carpark behind Williamstown SLSC.
Club membership is $20 for the summer and $20 for the winter.
We are affiliated to Masters Swimming Victoria and you can join through MSV or, for open water swimming members who simply want to enjoy swimming in the sea with us:
1) Get TeamApp
2) Search for Melbourne OW Swimming Club and request to join.
Do you have a swim group that wants to swim in the sea? Talk to us about a safety team, boat, boardies and making your swim enjoyable.
A club for swimmers - to enjoy the sea
We support swim clubs, schools, coaches, swimmers, everyone to enjoy the open water.
Got anything you want to ask our coaches? They’re here for you!

There are plenty of swim groups at Williamstown Beach Saturday and Sunday morning. Near the Lifesaving Club.
Water temp is about 18 - 22 in summer and down to 10 - 12 C in winter
Taking safety seriously
We follow Lifesaving Victoria guidelines and encourage members to join Williamstown SLSC
World champ 2017 Jordan Wilimovsky
Team USA swimmers Katy Campbell and Jordan Wilimovsky and others at Williamstown.
Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDVictoria University - Footscray Park
- Time is TBDWilliamstown beach

A squad for everyone - fast, slow, medium, ages 8 - 80.
Tuesday and Thursday 7.30pm
Wednesday 6am
Sunday 9am
Turn up and try - first squad free.
VU Aquatic, Building L, Footscray Park, enter from Farnsworth Ave for free parking, free entry for members.
Contact Us
We meet at the Gloucester Reserve carpark Williamstown Beach, Victoria, Australia
Club swim is 9am Sundays
0428 777 727